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Event Social Commentary


I have built my Personal Brand and a large profile around Tech and commentary, as an early user of Linkedin as a communication platform since 2008, long before the recent explosion in the past 5 to 10 years. This means I have a much larger following than my followers, and the ability to gain 'viral' reach and high levels of engagement, thus promoting whatever I post about.

  • Up until a few years ago used "Ryan the Lion" as my name - related to my business A Few Quiet Yarns, but naturally the unusual act made me stand out further.

Event Social Commentary


  • I typically post about each speaker - pending the number of speakers and LinkedIn limits and preferences for success.

    • I also do a walk through of the exhibition space, and thank sponsors

  • I use my tech knowledge to write a meaningful update / summary of what they've spoken about, some times it can be raw notes.

  • I do a mixture of Photo and Video based content pending the subject/speaker and topics

  • I tag in the speaker and/or key people contextually as part of the post story